اهواز - کیانپارس - خیابان دانشور (مهر) شرقی ، روبروی سازمان تامین اجتماعی ، مجتمع قدس ، طبقه 3
Ahvaz - Kianpars - Mehr East St., Quds complex, 3rd floor
الأهواز - كيانبارس - شارع مهر الشرقي، مجمع القدس، الطابق الثالث

Types of hearing aids

Invisible-In-the-Canal (IIC):

The IIC hearing aids are the smallest type of hearing instruments available and are invisible in the ear canal. The IIC instrument is designed for patients who want the ultimate in discretion. Sitting deep inside the external auditory canal, an IIC hearing aid provides the benefits of the natural acoustics of the auditory canal. The IIC hearing aids are custom made and are recommended typically for patients with mild to moderately severe hearing loss, and whose ear canals are wide enough for them to fit.

سمعک اهواز - شنوایی سنجی اهواز
سمعک اهواز - شنوایی سنجی اهواز

Completely-In-the-Canal (CIC):

The CIC hearing aids are small hearing instruments, a little bigger than an IIC hearing aids, The CICs are almost invisible in the ear, also provide the ultimate in discretion. The CIC hearing aids are custom made and are suggested for people with ear canals large enough for them to fit.

Behind the Ear (BTE):

The BTE hearing aids are housed in a durable case that rests on the back of the pinna. These types of hearing aids are appropriate for the widest range of hearing loss, including profound hearing loss. While the larger size BTE aids allow for more power and features, the smallest ones, mini BTE aids, are practically invisible when worn.

سمعک اهواز - شنوایی سنجی اهواز
سمعک اهواز - شنوایی سنجی اهواز

Receiver-In-the-Canal (RIC):

The RIC hearing aids are a type of open-fit hearing aid that use a thin plastic “micro” tube that extends from the body of the hearing aid above the pinna and into the ear canal. A small, soft tip sits inside the auditory canal without sealing it. This way, air and sound can continue to flow to the ear canal naturally, reducing feelings of being “plugged up”.

RIC and BTE hearing aids have a rechargeable version which provides an opportunity for you to recharge your instruments in a charger and forgo the need for disposable batteries.