اهواز - کیانپارس - خیابان دانشور (مهر) شرقی ، روبروی سازمان تامین اجتماعی ، مجتمع قدس ، طبقه 3
Ahvaz - Kianpars - Mehr East St., Quds complex, 3rd floor
الأهواز - كيانبارس - شارع مهر الشرقي، مجمع القدس، الطابق الثالث

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT)

At Tabassom balance clinic, we perform a comprehensive consultation with our patients to determine if vestibular rehabilitation exercises will reduce their dizziness or unsteadiness. This consists of an evaluation of their current abilities, such as finding out which movements or positions which may degrade the dizziness symptoms. Our multidisciplinary team, led by vestibular audiologists, design a personalized VRT program for every patient to improve his/her dizziness symptom, prevent fall, restore function, and increase quality of life. We also utilize the initial assessment of patient’s balance function to track their progress over time.

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