اهواز - کیانپارس - خیابان دانشور (مهر) شرقی ، روبروی سازمان تامین اجتماعی ، مجتمع قدس ، طبقه 3
Ahvaz - Kianpars - Mehr East St., Quds complex, 3rd floor
الأهواز - كيانبارس - شارع مهر الشرقي، مجمع القدس، الطابق الثالث

Videonystagmography (VNG)

A group of tests that measure eye movements as you look at various light patterns and check for signs of vestibular system dysfunction. The VNG test also includes the irrigation of the warm or cool air into your ear canal. During the VNG exam, you will be asked a series of simple questions while the clinician records your eye movements stimulated by the temperature change.